Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lab 5: Spatial Analysis with ArcMap

1. 99 counties
2. Fulton County
3. 39 cities
4. 3851.1375 miles
5. 1,367,445.8906 acres

6. 522 zip codes

8. The Native American reserves that lie within 75 miles of the City of Thurso are:
Doncaster Indian Reserve 17
Kitigan Zibi Indian Reserve
Kahnawake Indian Reserve 14
Kanesatake Indian Reserve 16
Akwesasne Indian Reserve 15

Lab 4: Mapping Race Distributions

By combining data tables from the U.S. Census Bureau and the attribute table of Lab 4’s shapefile, I was able to create a map that shows the spatial distribution of race in the United States. A person can use the maps to infer distribution patterns of the different races.

The first map shows the distribution of Asians. The purple becomes a darker shade as the percentage of Asians in an area increases. Using the legend as a guide, one sees that the highest concentration of Asians is found along the country’s coasts. More specifically, the coast of Northern California and southern New York are dark purple; thus, contains one of the highest concentrations of Asians. There is also a high percentage in Hawaii. The concentration in the West Coast reflects the history of Asian immigration into the country. History shows that the West Coast historically has a high concentration of Asians. Historical events, such as the building of railroads by mostly Chinese immigrants and the encampment of Japanese-Americans in only the western states, provide a historical pattern of concentration. Similarly, Hawaii’s native inhabitants have been traced back to Asia. The pattern can be geographically explained because the West Coast is closer in geographic relation to Asia than the rest of the United States. A person can infer that San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles were popular destinations for immigrants and new generations remain or continue to settle there.

The second map shows the percentage of Blacks in the United States. The map shows that the Southern states, the South, have the highest percentage of Blacks. There are also pockets of high concentration in Los Angeles County and the counties east of San Francisco Bay. The high concentration in the South reflects the region’s history. The region is notorious for being the landing ground for the slave trade. Thus the region’s concentration of Blacks is due to Africans being forcibly brought to the U.S. South to work on plantations. The concentration in California and the Northeast can be explained by the concentration of defense industries that attracted Black workers.

The third map shows the percentage of “Some Other Race.” Although not mentioned in the data sheet, the map suggests that ‘Some Other Race” refers to people of Hispanic origin. The highest percentage is found in the Southwest, along the United States-Mexico border. This supports the notion that “Some Other Race” includes Hispanics and Latinos because the two other maps show that people tend to concentrate by their ‘point of entry’. For instance, San Francisco Bay has a high percentage of Asians while the south has a high concentration of Blacks. The Southwest’s adjacency to Mexico suggests that ‘Some Other Race’ indicates Hispanic and people of Latin origin. The only problem with this category is that it does not provide those in the category with a distinct identity. It will be difficult to answer questions and analyze the data since we do not know for certain who chose the “Some Other Race” category.

Overall, the three maps show that the distribution of races in the United States in not equal. There are certain parts of the United States that have a higher percentage of Asians, Blacks, and Other Races than other parts. The maps allow a person to see the spatial distribution and determine which parts of the nation have the highest percentage of a certain race. The explanation of why a region has a higher percentage than another region can be found by looking at the history of that region. The map series also suggests that there is not much mobility in the country. Most of the races continue to concentrate in the areas they first “landed” on.

GIS made it possible to see spatial distribution of data from Census 2000. However, GIS is not limited to only one set of data. One can find data from previous censuses and also create maps using that data. By comparing the maps, one can visually see any changes in the spatial distribution of race. In addition to looking at past information for patterns, one can use GIS to infer and predict future events and pattern changes. The advantage of GIS and ArcMap is that the program enables a user to combine data from different sources. The program easily created a graphic of the Census data table. Furthermore, the program creates a legend with a few clicks of the button and enables the user to make uniform graphics. Color-coding also highlights the distribution patterns and allows a user to see where people are located. Without GIS, it will be time consuming and difficult to color code each census county. Luckily, the advances of GIS allow a person to use the computer system to calculate the percentages and show the data on a color-coded map. Overall, GIS saves time and can digitize information and data onto a geographic and spatial plane.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lab 3: Map Projections

Map projections enable people to view the three-dimensional, spherical Earth on a two-dimensional surface. There are several types of map projections, with each type preserving a different aspect of the Earth. Because map projections preserve different aspects of the 3D Earth in 2D, distortion of the Earth’s surface often occurs. Furthermore, each projection may have a different center with distortion occurring as you move further away from the center. Map projections are categorized into three main categories: conformal, equal area, and equidistant. In conformal projections, angles are preserved and the projection works best when looking at small areas. Equal area projections preserve the relative sizes of Earth’s features and shows area accurately. Equidistant projections preserve distance but only from the center of the projection.

This lab demonstrates how the Earth becomes distorted when viewed in the different types of map projections. I chose two conformal (Mercator and Gall Stereographic), two equal-area (Hammer-Aitoff and Bonne), and two equidistant (Equidistant Conical and Sinusoidal) projections. For this lab, I measured the distance between Washington, D.C. to Kabul, Afghanistan. The actual distance between the two cities is 6,877 miles. However, each projection provided a distance between the two cities that was quite different than reality. The differences in distance between Washington, D.C. and Kabul demonstrate how map projections can distort the Earth. For instance, I calculated the distance to be 10,119 miles in the Mercator projection. The difference between the projected and actual distance is 3242 miles. Mercator greatly exaggerated the distance between the cities. In Mercator, the center of the projection is the equator. Therefore, the least distortion will occur near the equator. Washington D.C and Kabul are in the northern latitudes, far from the equator, and are more distorted.

The distortion of land and distance in the northern latitudes is demonstrated by the size of the 30°x30° grid. In Mercator, the 30°x30° grid elongates as it moves away from the equator. Similar to Mercator, Gall Stereographic projects the spherical Earth into a plane and preserves only the angles. Distance between two points on a Gall Stereographic projection will be exaggerated because it does not care to maintain accurate distance or area. The 30°x30° grid in the Gall Stereographic projection is no longer a square but is a rectangle. As you move away from the equator, the rectangle becomes taller. It is not as elongated as the Mercator grid but distortion of the grid does occur. In the equal-area projections, Hammer-Aitoff and Bonne, the 30°x30° grid is also distorted. The grid curves in the Hammer-Aitoff projection. The curvature of the projection provides an oval shape, causing the most distortion at the equator. The difference in actual and measured distance is much smaller than the conformal projections. The Bonne map is heart shaped and the grid is distorted. However, Bonne provided the least difference in actual and measured distance. One explanation is that Bonne has the least distortion at the North Pole because that region resembles the spherical Earth the most. The Equidistant Conical projection map was the second closest measured distance to actual distance. The projection seems to be centered at the North Pole so areas closer to the pole are less distorted than areas further away. Furthermore, the map is circular and preserves the spherical aspects of the 3D Earth. Even though the Sinusoidal projection is categorized as an equidistant projection, it does have equal area projection aspects to it. Because of the aspects, the distance between the points is greatly exaggerated. The shape of the map itself also demonstrates the distortion because the poles are like the tip of triangles. In a Sinusoidal map, the relative size of landmasses is maintained while shape and direction are distorted. Overall, all of the maps show a distortion of the 30°x30° grid. Sometimes the grid is similar to the actual shape of a 30°x30° grid on the 3D Earth. However, when the grid does not seem similar, the distance between D.C. and Kabul become distorted.

Although map projections do exaggerate areas that are further away from its center, the projection itself is not the only reason the distance between the two points was not accurate. As mentioned in lecture, errors do occur. Human error is a possible reason I could not accurately measure the distance in projections meant to preserve distance. Even though ArcMap’s measurement tool has a ‘snap to feature’ option, unsteady human hands can lead to measuring errors. Furthermore, map scale affects the measurements. Through exploration, I found that map scale played a role in calculating distance. When I viewed the Equidistant Conical projection at a larger scale, the measurements became more accurate. The distance measured was 6,972 miles instead of 7,033 miles (what I measured before zooming in). Scale is important in map projections because the appropriate type of projection to use depends on the question that needs to be answered. For small areas, conformal maps seem to be the best choice. On the other hand, if distance is desired, then equidistant maps are the better option. Overall, in order to answer specific questions, one must choose the right type of map projection that will provide the least distorted, most accurate data.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lab 2b: My First Experience with ArcMap

GIS is software that house and analyze data. Using programs such as ArcMap, the software enables data to be seen in space, on a map. GIS is useful because it allows data to be organized and easily analyzed. During my introduction to ArcMap, I discovered the potentials and pitfalls of GIS.

The introduction to ArcMap lab was my first experience working with any GIS type program. I was able to follow the tutorial but I did have a few problems during my session. One of the problems I encountered involved the directions in the training manual. Several times, I misread the instructions or could not comprehend the instructions. Because of this, it took me several times to complete a step. The hardest task happened when I had to create a new road. It took me several times to figure out what the directions wanted me to do. For instance, I would click on the mouse and create a point on the layer. I could not figure out why my actions did not mimic the image on the tutorial sheet. Instead of extending the existing road, the line pointed in the opposite direction. After rereading the instructions, I was able to successfully create the new road. I realized that I was not supposed to click the mouse before right clicking.

What I liked most about the GIS program was its simplicity. It is easy to add Legends, Map Scales, etc. I also liked that it allows the data information to be viewed without fear of editing the maps. In order to edit the map, the user must click on the Editor toolbar and click on Start Editing. The only downside is that a user may forget to click on Stop Editing once they are done.

There are potentials to using GIS. By using the computer and digital calculations, GIS makes map making easier and more accurate than before. One does not need to rely on rulers, papers, and multiple devices to create a map. The computer and GIS program also saves time. The option to color code sections also organizes data and the visuals, making it easy to navigate the map. This type of organization will help users see their data in space and understand it in geographic terms. Furthermore, the data can be displayed in a graph and a user can focus on and highlight different sections.

Another potential is the ability to integrate different sets of data onto a map. For instance, the program creates different layers for each data set. The layers can be selected or deselected. This option helps organize the workspace and allows the user to focus on specific data spots. Moreover, data information can be copied into the different layers, as shown in the Schools and Land Use layer. GIS also allows a person to add features on preexisting maps. The sketch feature enables a person to draw in features, such as a road. The right-click menus include options, like Parallel and Tangent Curve, which allow the road to be drawn in straight and accurately.

However, there are also pitfalls of GIS programs. One of the potential pitfalls of the GIS program is that its interface looks similar to other programs. When I first opened the program, it quickly reminded me of Adobe Photoshop. The menu bar was similar and I found myself using keyboard hot keys that are used in Adobe Photoshop. However, ArcMap is not Adobe Photoshop so using the hot keys only made the learning process more difficult. On the other hand, people who have experience with “layer” organization will like the way ArcMap is organized and may easily learn how to use the program. Another pitfall is the limitation on what type of computer systems can run GIS software. Because ArcMap is not compatible with Mac computers, Mac users must use a remote desktop system connection to work with the GIS program and complete their work. I use a MacBook at home and completing my assignment was harder due to the slow connection common with remote connection. The limitations of what type of computer systems can run ArcMap make it hard for Apple users to work on GIS programs.

Lab 2a: Music Venues in the Greater LA Region

View Music Venues in a larger map

I spend most of my money going to music shows and concerts. Therefore, creating a map of my favorite music venues provides an example of neogeography. I personalized the map by integrating personal photos and geotagging them using Google Maps to create an informative mashup. As mentioned in lecture, map mashups exist because of Web 2.0 and the interactive web environment that occurs in Web 2.0. The interactive interface of Google Maps allowed me to input previous information, such a reviews, about the concert venues on my map. It also allowed me to write a description for each point of interest; so, I provided commentary about the different venues. In my commentary, I discussed where people should park if they are going to a particular venue. The map becomes a source to find concert venues and read other people’s experiences at the venues.

Because “neogeography is about people using and creating their own maps” (Turner 2006), data created in our Web 2.0 world is highly personalized and user centric. User-centric production is a potential negative consequence of neogeography. My map provides an example of a narrow view that arises from neogeography. I personalized my map by only locating and pinpointing my favorite venues. People who see my map may believe that those are the only music venues in the area. However, that is not the case. There are many venues on Sunset Blvd (the Sunset Strip area) that I did not map out because I do not like those venues. Furthermore, I decided not to include venues for which I did not have any pictures of personal concert experiences at. The map provides my narrow view of concert venues in the LA region. Due to its narrowness, the map is intended only for a specific audience. It can be used by friends who want to know where I have seen concerts at but it cannot be used someone for who wants to know where all the music venues in Los Angeles are located. Moreover, two of my venues are not located in Los Angeles but in Anaheim, which is located in Orange County.

Another downfall about neogeography is the accuracy of information found on maps. For instance, the information I give about parking may not be completely accurate. The information is based on the knowledge I gained from my experience going to these venues. Unfortunately, I do not go to each venue everyday so the parking situation and information of parking lots may change. People who view my map must look at other websites for information to check the reliability of the information I provide. This is true for all other maps found on in our Web 2.0 universe. Maps found through the Internet are subject to inaccuracy because the information is true at the time the user creates it. Information can change and a venue indicated on a map mashup made in 2010 may not be open in 2011.

Despite the narrow view of maps created by user-centric production and the possibility of inaccurate information, neogeography is useful because it allows people to tailor space to their specific needs. For instance, toolkits like Google Maps allow users to tag a location and include a photo in the description. Therefore, a person can geotag and map out photos from a trip. Users are able to create dynamic maps where they can share photos with friends and family and pinpoint the location of where that photo was taken. Another example of a neogeography’s positive consequence is store locator applications. Store locator applications tailor space to fit a specific need: to help a person quickly find the location of the nearest store. When a person inputs a geographic location on a store locator application, the nearest stores are quickly found and presented to the user on a map. This helps people find the location of company’s store more easily than before. Moreover, such applications often include an option to receive directions to the place which helps the map user even more. Overall, neogeography has both pros and cons. Personalized maps are helpful, but as with everything else on user generated on the Internet, people must question the authority and accuracy of user-generated content.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Lab 1b: Reading a Topographic Map

  1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
  2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, and Inglewood.
  3. 1995
  4. The datum used is the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 along with the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) and the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).
  5. 1:24000
  6. A) 5cm = 1200 meters
    B) 5 inches = 1.89 miles
    C) 1 mile = 2.64 inches
    D) 3 km  = 12.5 cm
  7. The contour interval is 20 feet.
  8. Public Affairs
    34.07424° N, 118.43922° W
    34°4’27” N, 118°26’21” W

    Tip of Santa Monica pier
    34.00746° N, 118.50004° W
    34°0’26” N, 118°30’0” W

    Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir
    34.1222° N, 118.40950° W
    34°7’20” N, 118°24’34” W
  9. Greystone Mansion =
    570 ft
    173.736 m

    Woodlawn Cemetery =
    140 ft
    42.672 m

    Crestwood Hills Park =
    700 ft
    213.36 m
  10. UTM zone is 11.
  11. UTM coordinates are 3763000 N and 362000 E
  12. 1,000,000 square meters

  13. Magnetic declination = 14°48’
  14. Water flows southward (north to south)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lab 1a: Analyzing Maps

The above map is from the website This website creates an interactive map that allows users to place the extent of the BP oil spill over their home city or any other location in the world. It uses map data from Google in order to render the map. The interactive map enables people to see the area affected by the oil spill and how far oil has extended. It is also possible to see how much the spill has grown. For instance, I decided to create a map that puts the oil spill over Southern California, with Los Angeles as its center. Through this map, I saw that the east side of the spill almost reaches the California-Nevada border. The map allows me to realize how big the spill has become because I know how far the border is, it takes almost three and a half hour’s drive to reach the border. Furthermore, it brings the disaster close to home when you see how much it extends over Southern California. The spill covers most of the Mojave Desert, reaches South down past Encinitas, and extends West past the Channel Islands. Moreover, it reaches North past Santa Barbara and Goleta. I find this website and map interesting because it’s interactive. The map allows a person to move the spill to different geographic locations. Also, it utilizes another resource, Google, in its geographic inquiry of the oil spill and how big it has become.

For my second map, I chose a historic map found at David Rumsey’s Map Collection online LUNA browser. Created in 1861, the map is a historical, panoramic map of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. Titled the “Panorama of the Seat of War”, the map shows the Chesapeake Bay and the towns and cities locate in the area around the bay. One thing I enjoy about this map is that it has markings to indicate where the towns are located. The amount of markings differs to show the difference in sizes between the towns and cities. Furthermore it is well detailed and includes roads, rivers, hills, and mountains. It has names all the towns, cities, and waterways. In addition to its detail, different size fonts are used to indicate significance. I find it interesting that the map maker drew in ships moving into and along the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay. The map is detailed for a historical map but one must be critical of it because it provides a bird’s eye view of an area during a time when getting a bird’s eye view of an area, especially such a large area, was difficult. The technology was not easily available to create such a well detailed map so the cartographer must have used other maps of the area, such as topographic maps, in order to create the reliefs and draw the mountains, rivers, and cities.

Created by Princeton (, the above image shows the global distribution of Starbucks and McDonald’s locations. I chose these maps because both companies are widely distributed and has entered the global market. It is interesting to see the extent of each company’s distribution. I am also able to compare and see which company has a wider distribution. From this map, one can view the wide distribution of these companies in populated areas such as the United States, Western Europe, and China. However, the maps are not great because of its simplicity. For instance, Princeton uses different size bubbles to indicate the amount of Starbucks or McDonald’s locations in a region. The bubbles overlap – making it difficult to see which country the bubbles represent. This is especially true in the case of the McDonald’s map when looking at Europe. The bubbles show a generalized distribution of the two companies so one must look at another map for specific details. Despite its simplicity and generalization, the map provides a great visual to view the extent of two U.S. companies in the global market. I did not know that there were Starbucks locations in the Middle East. Also, I never realized how many McDonald’s could be found on the African continent. This map allowed me to see the global locations of Starbucks coffee shops and McDonald's restaurants.